Saturday, October 1, 2016

September Anniversary

Dear friends have been married a year, and I wanted a special card for them to enjoy, so I got this together. Though they have been together for a long time, they decided it was time to get married and just basically went to a district magistrate with only a few friends knowing.  

Its also been a year since I had surgery on my thumb. I fell in late July (2015) and tried all the therapy and braces, but it was inevitable that I needed surgery. So, September 25, marked a year since that day, in which needs to be celebrated. I am a very dominant LEFT HAND gal... so there was a HUGE LEARNING curve. I managed with the help of elastic skirts, dresses, flat shoes and short hair

The following picture may make a sensitive stomach turn, so be warned. They sliced both sides of my thumb and put a pin in it. I had an ace bandage wrap after surgery for about 10 days and then they put me in the big blue one, and then after 8 weeks, I had it removed.  It has been quite an adventure, on in which I learned alot - good and bad.   


Have a great day! 
Hug the ones you love! 

1 comment:

Basement Stamper said...

beautiful wedding card, love the color combination for it-so rich.

and ick on the thumb pictures ;-)