Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Coffee with an old friend

I recently was given the chance to have coffee with an old friend... no coffee shop needed... we had coffee "virtually"... it was fun! It was amazing! I will do it again and again!!!  I didn't have to get out of my jammies, or start a cold car... I only had to brush my hair! 
Isn't that the best?

It left me thinking... I know there was coffee cup and Koozee (?) craze about a year or two ago, and I didn't jump on the bandwagon- but now I wanted one!

 I knew that Lorri Heiling  was the master mine (or one that I knew about) so I located her blog. (HERE) She even gives a great video of directions - so check it out.

 The only difference from mine to hers was that I made my lide slightly different. She used two pieces of white paper to make the "lip" of the lid, and I scored my lid to make the "lip" - and mine is double sided.  She is great and talented - so grab a cup of joe (or tea) and visit her!

A gift card fits perfect, as would the little singles from your favorite shop. Turn it into a 'tea' cup with a packet of tea. I made three of them, I love them and wanted some on hand for the reason that they are perfect little treats!  I will reconfigure to fit into an envelope for mailing purposes (maybe Lorri already does?)

Have a great day!

Thanks for stopping by!

Hug the ones you love!

1 comment:

Basement Stamper said...

I love this as a gift card holder, so cute!