Saturday, December 31, 2011


Just a quick little post to wish you and yours a healthy, happy safe 2012.

I look forward to 365 more days of all exciting walks of life...
 going  places we haven't been,
 meeting ppl that are blog names online,
learning tricks I never thought possible. 
.. adding a new one this year...
finding an career that brings me pleasure!

So have a wonderful day/night/and new Year. I will be back in 2012,
 hopefully with some great stuff up my sleeve!!

 OWL see you later!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Thank you!

Just a quick little thank you for all your support, comments and visits over the last year.

Its been a trying year for us.
 Lots of activities happened.
Some special endings too.

We cannot forget about lifes surprises either!

I hope that 2012 brings lots of happiness, joy and
positive energy to everyone!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

From our house to yours....

Merry Christmas!

May you enjoy time with
 your loved ones!

May you fill your day with happiness and too many sweets!

Merry Christmas!!

Thank you for stopping by!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Eve

Its Christmas Eve.
There are many traditions that are followed.
 Church service.
Caroling in the neighborhood.

We do not have many traditions, except for my kids visiting with their paternal grandparents for a few hours. In the past it gave me one last chance to check gifts, wrapping, cards, and cookies... however this year all that is in check.WHEW!!! However, I did do a bit of cleaning, organizing and went thru some old stuff. What a sense of accompishment - in the meantime I forgot I could have posted some of my last creations!

So - here we are....
My little pinecones

They need some work, but I am happy with them. I could have googled them but I tried via memory!

I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

New Gift Card...

I got to thinking about the pointsettia I showed you yesterday.

I decided to make it into a pin. For a card & gift in one...
Cool ... Right?

I made the flowers with my Big Shot, smooched them with spray. 

 Attached them to the pins, in a way they are be unclipped and got off, without incident.

And finally attached them to the card  base.  My GIFT CARD...!!!

I made four for the coworkers who have been so good to me over the last few years. I am sure they will "ahhhhh " all over them... and then I will be relieved better late then never on their cards! In which I think this year is the first they all will essentially receive the same card!

Thank you for stopping by!

Leave me some love - I love to hear from you all!

Hug the ones you love!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


While  in midst of the holiday clean up, I noticed this paper.. it was Christmas paper, which I had trimmed to two sizes, and then obviously didn't use it in the means in which I wanted at that time.  It didn't take me long to gather up the pieces, some Crumb Cake cardstock and through a ribbon together and get that Island Floral die out and rip out a flower!

I cut out four Cherry Cobbler Floral flowers, spritzed and mashed them. Along with a Artichoke leave. That I sponged with Chocolate Chip before smashing.  While waiting for that to dry, I used the 5 petal punch and then the owl punch for the yellow center. This card was almost together and it wasn't more than 15 minutes from finding my already cut pieces.  I reached for the Four the Seasons stamp, used the Espresso ink and then cute the ends with a square punch. I used my bone scorer to loosen the fibers and then attached the sentiment near the bottom of the card. I  used my Tombow glue to connect the flowers, alternating the leaves, and poofed it up. Crunched the flowers accordingly.

I love it ! Its my favorite, and I made three more!!!  Of course, I used different sides of the paper for different effect.  I will just have to figure out how to get these little big guys in an envelope!

Thank you for stopping by!
Have a great day!

Hug the ones you love!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Limey Holidays

I wanted some untraditional colors for some cards... and Lucky Limeade was staring at me... so I took advantage of it, and really like the outcome!

Its simple and not over bearing! I do wish I would have moved the snowflakes up  - but I like the bling on the pop up of the center one!

I made a handful of these for mailing, but haven't got to the mailing part... OOPS!!!!

Take care!
Thanks for stopping by!

Hug the ones you love!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Contempo Christmas Poppy Bright

I wanted SO BAD! To get these colors for my Christmas cards this year. I mean Its not traditional by any means, and it will totally rock the mantel in others houses... so why not? 

Colour Q Challenge 
  I tried two attempts on something that can be massed produced - and right in the middle of getting my goods all together...  I suddenly realized, I do not have enough materials for mass production!

Oh, alright, I am back to the drawing board. I couldn't get them even posted for the challenge - so hey, I was stricking out left and right on this end of things!!!

I have no excuses.
 I have no patience either.
 I do have is all my Christmas shopping completed and now I have to get it wrapped!... and baking.. yeah I really need to get that completed too!

Have a great day!

Hug the ones you love!

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Chestnuts roasting

on an open fire....
Jack frost nipping at your nose. 
Yuletide carols being sung by a choir
Folks dressed up like eskimos...

I spent a day in New York City, Monday. Its an annual event (when hes home) the 1SGT and I do around this time of year. I want to see the city in lights, the big awesome tree and try something new from a restuarant I have see on the network somewhere. Usually its in the negatives temperature wise, which makes for lots of coffee, hot chocolate and longer visits in the shops. This year it was pleasantly warm, in the 40s. I didn't even have to put a hat on!!! 

When we were in NYC, I got some roasted chestnuts from a street vendor... DELICIOUS!!!! They were slightly warm & really yummy!!! I hated to share - but I did!

THIS is the closest thing I am having to a fireplace in my house. I did make it and put it in the family room for effect... so I could snuggle up on the sofa with a good smut book, fuzzy blanket, glass of wine and the 1SG and watch the flicker of the fire! {{wink wink}}

The template was from Creations by AR, I punched out the flames from the two step bird punch, and made logs from the Word Window punch. I tried my best to put a mirror on the top of the fireplace. Its decorated simply, since that is my version.

Thank you for stopping by!

Have a great day!

Hug the ones you love!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Fun Festive Feet

Its hot this year! I jumped on the wagon too!
Why not?
I made elf feet, and used licorice as the legs ... aren't they cute?

I put the licorice in the 1x 8 cello bags, Adhered some DSP to the bag, and made a cute paid of shoes. Then I thought he needed pants. I just wrapped a small piece of cardstock around the legs, and wa- la - alittle pants for the elf!

Easy peasy and fun!

I have some more I will attach to gifts too!

Thanks for stopping by!
Hug the ones you love!

Have a great day!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Starting to look like Christmas

The tree is up - not fluffed or decorated.
The cookie ingredients are almost totally accounted for- but no cookies made.
The house smells of spiced apples.

Sometime soon, it will look like Christmas at the house! {LOL}

While the boys were out hunting, I tried to get some cards completed. I liked this color challenge, since its not too tradional. It worked well with a simple design.

Colour Q
And since someone was successful with a deer, I didn't get the opportunity to post on the challenge. I admit, I hardly ever to get post on end date! My luck!

Please enjoy anyways!

Have a great day!

Hug the ones you love!

Thank you for stopping by!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Skating Saturday

It might be the 3 of December, and I look pretty good on my Christmas goodies to purchase, but I am way behind on my cards, cookies/baking and decorating. I decorate the tree like I imagined I would. I didn't even look to see if I have enough flour and sugar to start baking. I did however pull all my Christmas stamps out and look at them so I could begin the task.

I fell in love with the idea of ice skates. In my little world, I someday be able to skate without issue, however I know the hard truth .... its not likely to ever happen. Its my handicap! I do admit it!

 I used the polkadot and the Northern Flurry embossing folder for the backgrounds. I sprayed some Vanilla Smooch Spritz on the Northern  Flurry and skates.

I punched the skate blades out with half the Word Window punch, I used part of the Snowflake punch for the connectors on the blade. The Stocking punch in Crumb cake for the bottom of the skate and then the skate itself. I pierced the area where you tie up the laces.

Stamping 411
Go ahead, play along with the Color Inspiration at Stamping 411, you won't be disappointed!

Hug the ones you love!

Thank you for stopping by!

Have a great day!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Stocking

The power of the Christmas stocking:
Christmas stocking tradition comes from Germany in the 16th century. German children would hang their socks by the fireplace to dry after washing them. On Christmas Eve, St. Nicholas would fill these stockings with five gifts designed to stimulate each of the five senses.

A typical stocking can be filled with:

  1. Something to eat -- fruit, or candy
  2. A toy or toys that make noise
  3. An item that is visually pleasing like jewelry, cuff links, or a coloring book
  4. An item with a good scent such as cologne or perfume
  5. Something soft (modeling clay or a soft toy, mittens, socks,)

Due to my wild German side, you will find all 5 things in your stocking thought they aren't hung at a fireplace for a few reasons.
  1. I do not have a fireplace, or even faux one.
  2. 1SGT is an Environment,Health & Safety professional
  3. See Number 2.

I do know that people celebrate the tradition of stocking differently, many may not even know why they put stockings out... How do you celebrate?

Thanks for stopping by!

Happy December 2!

Hug the ones you love!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Silky sympathy

Soft, silky sympathy ... this is what I wanted... this is what I achieved.
I took no longer then 20 minutes to get this together.
Maybe a clean room helped with this, and my sketch book {{alittle}}.

I was going to show you my FAIL of a advent calander, {{as the teens say}} but that might be too embarrassing. Soon I hope to spit out a few Christmas ideas! I have some things in the "works"!

Its WORLD AIDS DAY....prayers to all those effected by the disease, past and present!

Thanks for stopping by!

Hug the ones you love!